In 2018, Acting for Health travelled to Uganda to a village on the shores of Lake Victoria where we worked with a wide range of partners from Ministries of Health, primary healthcare providers, local communities and more. We used theatre-based interventions and workshops to improve the understanding of the tropical disease schistosomiasis and trigger change in the behaviours which increase infection risk. We built confidence, communication and collaboration among the stakeholders and communities, which culminated with the performance of a play on market day, and resulted in people demanding the treatment for schistosomiasis.
"Storytelling is very much part of the African DNA and Acting for Health has translated this into the perfect tool sets to encourage positive behaviour changes with direct impact on internationally agreed disease elimination goals."
Kamran Rafiq, Communications Director, International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases
Acting for Health held two workshops in April 2018 in Ethiopia and Tanzania as part of the WISER (Water Infra-structure for Schistosomiasis Endemic Regions) stakeholder meeting. WISER is a three-year research programme led by Dr. Michael Templeton (Imperial College London), in collaboration with the groups of Dr. Feleke Zewge (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia), Dr. Safari M. Kinung’hi (National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania), Dr. Aidan Emery (Natural History Museum London) and Pr. Paul Freemont (Imperial College London). It aims to address gaps in critical knowledge of schistosomiasis transmission through a collaboration between water engineers, synthetic biologists, parasitologists and social scientists in the UK, Ethiopia and Tanzania, in the hope of developing invaluable new knowledge to guide the design of sustainable water infrastructure for schistosomiasis-endemic regions.
"The model that AFH is using is an excellent one because it involves everyone in the community coming together and trying to find a solution. It's a model that allows participants, local leaders, national leaders, community leaders to come together, relax and get to know eachother, and they will be able to express themselves better and you will be able to get to the real issues which they are going through. "
Dr. May Sule, Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering & WISER Project, Imperial College London
Following the successful Acting for Health (AFH) workshops at the WISER (Water Infrastructure for Schistosomiasis Endemic Regions) stakeholder meeting detailed above - AFH were invited to deploy a full study in both countries. This took place in February and March 2019....Read more for results of study
This is a project report of a 10-session course entitled ‘The Science of Acting’, which took place with prisoners at Her Majesty's Prison (HMP), Brixton, London, UK in 2017. Whilst the course was not community engagement with global health, the approach aimed to foster understanding and empathy between participants and others, and so may be valuable for those interested in building connections and understanding within and between groups involved in global health research.
“Having a better understanding of people’s thoughts and actions allows me to interpret their behaviour in different ways”
“This course has been a practical insight to my mind and analysing the thought process. By breaking down the processes I have been able to practically apply the Science of Acting to my decision-making.”
“I now have more understanding of how people portray themselves and their reasons why”
“It’s good to view things from another perspective”
Participant feedback
Read more for an independent review by MESH the Community engagement network ....
In 2013, we developed a play with deaf-blind people in London, UK. The project enabled the patients to gain confidence in communication and self-expression, overcome personal barriers, accomplish something they had not previously thought possible, contribute powerfully to the local community and develop bonds with new people.
"It was a great boost being involved in a project where the focus was always on our talents rather than our disabilities"
In 2013 & 2014, we worked with residents of a mental health Rehab in Epsom, UK making short films with them. Participants were able to move forward in care pathways much more quickly than expected and the institution reported far more interaction and independence among participants following the projects, and reduced symptoms of illness. The films produced won awards.
"This was the best thing that has happened in the 9 years I've been
working at the centre; these 4 or 5 weeks changed everything"
Iman Hamdi, Social Centre Manager
In 2016 we ran several theatre projects with disabled children and their carers in cities across Russia. We trained professionals in the mornings and worked on a play with the children, family members and the professionals in the afternoons. This was a life-changing experience for everyone involved, and through the performances also changed the perspectives of audiences towards disability.
“He came home every day with shining eyes, he has opened up completely
this week. He is a different boy!”
We have extensive experience working with prisoners in UK & Russia and our methodology is acclaimed for the impact on conflict resolution, rehabilitation and behaviour change.
"You have achieved more with our men in 2 weeks than our team of
5 psychiatrists have achieved in 5 years."
Alexander Romanov, Governor of Prison Colony 29, Perm, Russia